hero solución emburse captio

Employee Experience

Emburse Captio

Control your expenditure through technology, from employee expenses to supplier invoices. Optimise the management of all expenses with the power of automation and ease of use offered by Emburse Captio.

Employee Experience

Emburse Captio

Control your expenditure through technology, from employee expenses to supplier invoices. Optimise the management of all expenses with the power of automation and ease of use offered by Emburse Captio.

Employee expenses

casos de éxito

Automation of expense

Automatically capture expenses with a photograph taken with the Emburse CAPTIO application that is certified by the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT) in order to be able to destroy the paper receipt or invoice, and which can be legally used in the recovery of VAT.


Data processing

Provide automatic reading and data processing of receipts to enable their export to accounting and HR archives.



Generate alerts and approval flows to ensure compliance with company policies.


Automation of expenses and payments

Allows automatic bank reconciliation between expenses and payments made by corporate cards contracted through financial institutions by the company itself, as well as cards issued by Emburse CAPTIO to facilitate specific expense management.


Immediate Provision of Information

Save on tax management and ensure the Immediate Provision of Information (SII) and get higher deductions.

Supplier invoices


Ensure compliance with corporate policies through the control of flows.


Generate approval processes that can be easily executed via email.


Access a 360º view of purchases and orders from suppliers.


Provide automatic reading and data processing of invoices to enable their export to accounting and HR archives.

Agile Performance SuccessFactors. Contenido configurado

SEIDOR easily integrates Emburse Captio within your ERP with the utmost security and reliability. In addition, integration is also possible with travel and transport management systems or agencies, people management platforms or any other software.

VAT recovery

Emburse Captio offers a VAT recovery service for all images captured using Emburse CAPTIO, certified by the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT).

Imágenes gastos


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