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Empresas de fabricación

Artero | SAP Business One

Artero bolsters its international expansion with
SAP Business One

Before: challenges and opportunities

  • Artero depended on a system that needed to be constantly adapted to its changing needs. The company wanted a system backed by a structure that would solidify its future operations and provide an inter-company solution to control and manage its financial areas, in the different countries where it operates. Another important need was the ability to remotely access the system for

remote working.


  • Thanks to its international structure, SAP Business One guarantees that clients will have consultants and developers at their disposal in each country. SEIDOR covered the complex processes of a company like Artero by offering a solution for each particular situation.

After: benefits

  • Artero's complex management system has been simplified with SAP Business One. Tax management in each country is more accurate and simple. More information is now available on the business, and there is comprehensive traceability of products. Information is reliable, and costs are more fully allocated. The company maintained its activity during the pandemic, something that would not have been possible with this solution.
cara ceo artero

Alex Artero

CEO, Artero Inspiring Style, SA

Due to the complexity of our management system, because
we manufacture, distribute and repair, our
needs were very demanding. Thanks to SAP Business
One, we have them covered in all the countries where
we operate”.

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