Security IT/OT | SEIDOR
hero solucion network security operations.


Security IT/OT

Services that address connectivity and security challenges, including comprehensive managed services, ensuring we are there for our clients at every turn.


Security IT/OT

Services that address connectivity and security challenges, including comprehensive managed services, ensuring we are there for our clients at every turn.

Digitalization processes require organizations to implement solutions that connect their users and clients with the services offered telematically. These services can be hosted within the organization, in a private cloud, or in a public cloud. The most valuable asset of organizations is information, which must be protected against cyberattacks.

This diversity of service locations and the need for information security often complicate the implementation and operation of secure connectivity mechanisms for organizations.


Do you want to know how and why to secure the Edge?

Edge Computing: It is a distributed computing paradigm that brings data processing closer to the data source, that is, to peripheral devices instead of relying exclusively on centralized data centers.

Email, web, and browsing protection extend the organization’s perimeter in teleworking situations while ensuring effective content distribution.

Application security
Redes corporativas
Seguridad en redes

Firewalls, Workstation Protection with early detection and response, Access Management, Site Interconnection by automating configurations and link load prioritization.

Network security

Business challenges

Gestión del cambio

Adapting to technological change

Organizations must face the rapid evolution of network and security technologies to respond to business challenges.

Optimización gestión accesos

Optimizing access management

A large number of security breaches in organizations are related to inadequate implementation of access management to digital assets.

Experiencia de usuario

Ensuring the user experience

It is essential for organizations to ensure a positive user experience when accessing the services and applications that drive their business.

Gestión multiples soluciones

Complex management of multiple solutions

Access to management tools must be ubiquitous to ensure easy and agile access to information.


26 October 2023

How Edge Computing is driving automation and efficiency in the industry.

Explore the world of Edge Computing and its powerful influence on today's industry. Discover how this technology revolutionizes automation, efficiency, and real-time decision-making, transforming the way businesses operate and plan for their future in a smarter and more collaborative industrial ecosystem.

cara Carlos Polo
Carlos Polo
Director de desarrollo de negocio Innovation & Ventures en SEIDOR
21 June 2023

The development of EDGE computing as a competitive business advantage

In today's business world, where technology is advancing at breakneck speed, it is essential to keep ahead of the pack in order to survive and thrive.

cara Carlos Polo
Carlos Polo
Director de desarrollo de negocio Innovation & Ventures en SEIDOR