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Planificación de la producción: La importancia de un ERP

Success stories for SMEs

SEIDOR Success Stories for SMEs

Casos de éxito

Success stories

Take a look at SEIDOR's success stories

Josep Benito

SEIDOR incorporates Carlyle into its capital to become a global Top Player

SEIDOR, the technology consulting firm, strengthens its growth with a particular focus on Europe and the USA, by bringing global investment firm Carlyle into its shareholder base, one of the leading firms worldwide


SEIDOR, driving innovation at the America’s Cup

SEIDOR has organized several exclusive events focused on advanced technology as part of the 37th America's Cup, taking place in Barcelona from August to October. This global event, which goes beyond its nature as a sporting competition, becomes a true innovation laboratory, ideal for exploring the latest technological trends.

Seidor abstract picture

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