hero soluciones audiovisuales

Employee Experience

Audio-visual services and equipment

Audio-visual services and equipment for different environments and sectors of the market.

Employee Experience

Audio-visual services and equipment

Audio-visual services and equipment for different environments and sectors of the market.

SEIDOR offers a broad portfolio of audio-visual services and equipment for the different environments and sectors of the market, such as digital signage for control rooms, hotels, hospitals, educational environments, corporate or auditory rooms.

Audio-visual services and equipment
Servicios y equipamientos Audiovisuales, porfolio de servicios audiovisuales
Nuestros expertos en servicios audiovisuales

Our audiovisual services have experts with the capacity to carry out comprehensive projects including advice, design, implementation and maintenance.

Our experts

We create, manage and issue advertising and corporate content, with 24/7 playlist programming and the possibility of creating different channels according to location. Furthermore, it is key to follow up with periodic reports on everything that has been issued.

Advertising and corporate content
Contenido publicitario y corporativo
soluciones audiovisuales

Our audio-visual solutions also include the outsourcing of technical personnel and the rental and maintenance of specialised equipment for projects and events, including installation and disassembly services in direct coordination with the main manufacturers and market players.

Audio-visual solutions

Value proposition

Suministro de equipamiento audiovisual

Audio-visual equipment supply

Instalación y montaje de equipos

Installation and assembly of equipment

Mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo

Preventive and corrective maintenance

Outsourcing de personal técnico

Outsourcing of technical personnel

Instalación de cableado audiovisual, ethernet y eléctrico, tester, análisis y configuración de equipos audiovisuales

Installation of audio-visual, ethernet and electrical wiring, testing, analysis and configuration of audio-visual equipment



Video wall


Large format and touch screens


Video-conference rooms


Digital signage


Public address/voice evacuation systems


Totem and interactive windows


Outdoor signage


Audio-visual equipment in event rooms and audio-conferences


Interactive television system




Experience in equipment maintained with a current fleet of more than 5,000 units, providing response services (SLAs) in 8, 24 or 48 hours.


People and technology

Qualified personnel with specialised technical equipment for the installation, configuration and calibration of digital signage and video walls, with LED point technology, screens and cabinets.

rueda dentada


Capacity to deploy and provide SLA services of up to 4 hours throughout Spain.