Towfiq Kenya
SAP Business One SupportSAP Business One

Towfiq Kenya drives healthy growth with SAP Business One

Initially established as a wholesaler, since 1993 Towfiq Kenya has focused on the national distribution of popular brands of fast moving consumer products for health and hygiene. The company operates three facilities and has increased its turnover substantially in recent years. During this growth phase, the distributor needed to implement an ERP solution to take the business to the next level, and chose SAP Business One to streamline operations and support faster, more accurate decision-making.

erp in consumer products
Towfiq Distributors
sap business one in health and hygiene

Before: Challenges and Opportunities

Challenges in providing financial reconciliations.

Lacked an asset management system and was still relying on spreadsheets.

Business decision-making tended to be based on guesswork.

Needed a robust ERP solution to give the business a solid foundation for sustained growth.

erp in health and hygiene


Received recommendations from businesses already using SAP Business One, which has a strong reputation.

SEIDOR Africa is the largest and most successful SAP Business One partner in Africa, came highly recommended. and established an excellent working relationship with Towfiq

erp fmcg

After: Value-Driven Results

Since implementing SAP Business One, Towfiq has seen a significant uplift in sales.

Insightful dashboards provide clear visibility into sales performance and sales processes have now been automated and streamlined.

Decision-making is vastly accelerated and based on trusted financial information.

Asset management has been centralised, with full traceability as data flows through the organisation.


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