websightsAzure | SEIDOR
Cloud Azure


SAP on Azure Cloud

Business-critical applications require constant monitoring and maintenance, as well as a customised service that addresses the customer's business processes and needs.


SAP on Azure Cloud

Business-critical applications require constant monitoring and maintenance, as well as a customised service that addresses the customer's business processes and needs.

Business-critical applications require constant monitoring and maintenance, as well as a customised service that addresses the customer's business processes.

However, today's environments demand greater flexibility and agility from organisations. Gone are the days of three-year planning, building solutions tailored to the expected needs, and almost always over-engineering, with rigid and over-capacity topologies.

CIOs are demanding new, more dynamic structures to respond to the extremely changing needs of their companies and simultaneously providing accelerated returns.

The current risk is precisely not moving to the cloud. The risks around the cloud are the opportunity costs of not taking advantage of its benefits, particularly for SAP and SAP HANA application environments.

Grow with security and confidence
SAP en Azure

The growth of businesses and their enterprise data managed on SAP requires more than ever agile infrastructures capable of providing computing, storage, data integration and analytics.

Grow with SAP and Azure

The solution involves the transformation of data centers adopting hybrid scenarios, supported by pay-per-use Azure business services.

The Solutions
ERP en Azure

We propose the outsourcing of SAP systems in Azure, building service layers in infrastructure as a service (IaaS) mode, their operation, administration and specialized monitoring, and the maintenance and administration of the SAP BASIS layer.

Our proposal

We have the fully flexible Azure infrastructure. It provides us with SAP-certified virtual servers and managed platform services that facilitate continuous monitoring, with corrective and on-demand services; of the operating system and the solution.

With a flexible and secure infrastructure
Infraestructura flexible y segura




More than 20 years of association SAP - Microsoft to provide the most innovative solutions.

Nuevas Tecnologías


Pay per use. Possibility of rapidly growing or shrinking the infrastructure.



Flexibility, scalability and performance. It offers the fastest bandwidth between virtual machines in the cloud in the world (30 gbps).


Virtual Servers

Virtual servers certified by SAP. Virtual machines that scale up to 4 TB and large instances up to 24 TB, with 16 configurations to choose from.



Security and compliance with the most demanding regulatory standards, including GDPR, ISO 27001, SOC 1 or SOC 2, among others.



More global regions than any other cloud service provider.



Operational agility with any database, instance size, operating system and SAP version.



Integration with backup, archiving and integrated disaster recovery services.


Support and Control

Verification of recovery plans, without impact on daily operations.

¿Por qué SEIDOR?

Desde SEIDOR ayudamos a nuestros clientes a aprovechar los beneficios del cloud público a gran escala global de Microsoft Azure, pues les proporciona una nueva generación de opciones de implementación de SAP que incluye infraestructura bajo demanda, servicios especializados y flexibilidad en el proceso migratorio.

Somos líderes en España en implementaciones SAP. Hemos sido galardonados con 8 premios SAP por excelencia operativa, ERP Cloud, Net New Names, LAC Partner Excelence Award y mayor Partner de ventas tanto on-premise como Cloud.

Nos adaptamos a cada cliente en la externalización de los servicios que necesite. Y son servicios basados en las recomendaciones y certificaciones tanto de Azure como de SAP, que van desde la implementación en formato de proyecto de una infraestructura de SAP (All-in-One con bases de datos tradicionales, SAP S/4 con base de datos HANA, SAP Business One con SQL o HANA), hasta la externalización total de los servicios, pasando por servicios personalizados de DR (Disaster Recovery) o de implementación de otras aplicaciones SAP como Hybris o Business Objects.

Todas las capas de servicio están cubiertas por personal propio de SEIDOR , especializados en sistemas SAP y Azure. Caracterizados por la excelencia en la ejecución, aportando resultados de calidad con la mayor eficiencia posible. Además, tenemos una vocación global, acompañando a nuestros clientes en sus retos internacionales.