hero solución software factory


Factory software

End-to-end application maintenance based on improved operations. Includes recurring maintenance services, technical and functional support, as well as upgrades and new developments.


Factory software

End-to-end application maintenance based on improved operations. Includes recurring maintenance services, technical and functional support, as well as upgrades and new developments.

Ofrecenmos mantenimiento de aplicaciones extremo a extremo.

At SEIDOR, we use our Factory Software to provide the maintenance of end-to-end applications based on continuous improvement through the technological and functional innovation of your operations.

To focus your efforts on what brings the most value for your organisation, we take care of recurring maintenance services — corrective, adaptive and perfective —, technical and functional support, as well as changes and new developments.

Nos encargamos de los servicios recurrentes de mantenimiento
Conocer el ciclo de vida de las soluciones disponibles y estar al día de lo que el mercado nos ofrece son elementos

Knowing the life cycle of the available solutions and being up to date with what the market offers us are key elements for executing optimal maintenance and making the right decisions at the right time.

We also cover additional needs through software development projects that allow us to control all the features that best suit your organisation.

Cubrimos necesidades adicionales a través de proyectos de desarrollo de software

Our services

Control del servicio

Service control

Acquisition, provision and return of the fully managed service, with the utmost transparency to identify the key points that provide the organisation with the most value.

Mejora continua

Continuous improvement

Process optimisation, monitoring and automation. Application of DevOps and agile methodologies. Commitments managed with SLAs.

Disminuir el coste de propiedad

Lower the cost of ownership

We help customers reduce the cost of operation through standardisation and agile methodologies, adjusting the budget to invest more in added-value projects.

Transformar a través de la innovación

Transforming through innovation

Technology Excellence Centres will provide a guide to improving business processes, incorporating new technologies that best suit client needs.




We have Excellence Centres specialised in the main development technologies, all with certified architects.



Our work is based on an Integrated Management System recognised with the most important certifications in the market: ISOs 9001, 20000, 27001, 15504, 14001 and the National Security Scheme.

rueda dentada

Comprehensive service

The service includes all the necessary layers, from UIX conceptualisation and design to quality assurance and safety of the applications to be implemented.


Best practices

The methodology applied follows best practices that are continuously contrasted by processes that measure performance and achievement of commitments.


Servicio IT 360º

360º IT Service

At SEIDOR, we have capacities in all service layers: design, construction, products, infrastructures and communications, ensuring the best combination of them.

Reducción de costes

Cost reduction

Contractual commitments to reduce costs in unit rates that oblige Seidor to optimise services in order to pass on these benefits to clients.

Acceso al conocimiento

Access to knowledge

Maintain certified professionals in key technologies and services for each scenario, regardless of the client's size or sector.

Satisfacción de los usuarios

User satisfaction

The service puts the user at the centre in order to determine its needs and the best way to satisfy them, contributing to an improvement in IT.

Oficina Calidad y Seguridad
Discover our Testing Factory

We also offer a service for planning, availability and maintenance in terms of quality and safety through our Quality and Safety Office, the Testing Factory.