Does your business need ERP?

23 August 2022

Does your business need ERP?

There comes a time in any growing company when the question will be asked whether the business needs an ERP System. Take a look around your desk for a minute and see what’s in front of you. Whether in the office or at home, regardless of where you are, you’re highly likely surrounded by technology that makes things that little bit easier for you.

We're accustomed to using technology that helps us with our personal and social lives. But it's still common for organisations to muddle with inefficient software or even paper documents to record events.

You wouldn’t buy or put up a Filofax to keep all of your friend's phone numbers or have a television that you still had to change the channel manually. But for some reason, SMEs do just ‘put up with' applications that slow down levels of productivity, growth, and, more importantly, profits.

ERP Solutions are proven to automate processes by simplifying operations. It’s a surefire way of helping your business grow and to provide a platform for long-term growth. More importantly, they have never been more affordable. Here are our top five signs that your business is ready for an ERP Solution.

1. Your business is disconnected

Do you feel like your business runs off different spreadsheets? Or do you have one application running your accounts and another for your warehouse or production line? It’s common in a growing business to use several different applications – none of which integrate with each other.

In an ERP Solution, your business runs from a centralised database. This means you can rely on data accuracy and different departments have visibility into real-time activities. Everything is integrated and slick. It’s the modern way of working.

2. There are silos of data

Spreadsheets are great for creating quick and simple reports. But when they’re saved locally, they may as well be stored on the moon. If your business collects data from multiple sources, reporting likely takes hours or even days. You probably also have to complete time-consuming data duplication to understand what’s happening.

By storing all your information centrally, your business can complete key financial or monthly reports at the click of a button. It is that simple. There’s no data duplication, and you reduce the likelihood of human errors when manually inputting data.

3. Financial management is difficult

Cash flow is king in any organisation. But can your business accurately forecast incomings and outgoings? If your accounts department can’t tell you what’s going on with your cash flow until the end of the month, you’re leaving yourself open to potentially serious issues.

Organisations that use ERP can streamline and automate financial management. This improves margins, reduces errors and manages cash flow effectively. By accurately forecasting potential incomings and outgoings, you’ll also be able to make more informed decisions to drive profits.

4. Customers are going elsewhere

Keep your customers happy, and they’ll keep coming back. But they'll go elsewhere if they’re unsatisfied or can’t get what they want. In an era of minimal customer loyalty and 24/7 shopping across the globe, you need to instantly satisfy your customers' requirements. It’s the only way to drive sales.

An ERP Solution can guarantee that your business has the right products at the right time. Inventory management is critical. Your competitors will benefit if you’ve got stockouts on your most popular products. By linking together sales, inventory and CRM functions, you’ll be able to ensure your supply chain is optimised and your stock at desired levels.

5. You’re spending lots on IT but getting no return

How much support and maintenance are you paying yearly if you run several different systems across your business? You could be paying vast amounts of money for applications that offer basic fun essentials to your business.

Using an integrated ERP Solution, your business can remove those disconnected systems and save money using just one all-in-one application. An investigation from the Aberdeen Group found that SMEs who use an ERP application enjoy an average increase of 21% in operating margins and a 23% reduction in operating costs.

Want to learn more about how your business could benefit from an ERP Solution from SEIDOR? Get in touch with one of our ERP experts today. We’d be happy to answer any of your questions about whether you’re ready for an ERP Solution.

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SAP Business One

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