Top!Blue streamlines sales order processes with SAP Business One
Top Blue was using a basic online financial tool that was impacting on operations and productivity due to data entry tasks. Despite being a start up company it decided to implement an ERP solution rather than having to migrate to another solution in the future. The move proved successful as they had a quick implementation with Seidor and have scaled their organisation without having to increase overheads thanks to SAP Business One.
Before: Challenges and Opportunities
- Their previous system required extensive administrative tasks
- Productivity was impacted as the company grew
- No automated sales features
Why SAP Business One & Seidor
- SAP Business One provided a future proof solution
- SAP Business One has reliable and consistent data
- Seidor was very understanding of their needs
- Seidor provided a clear project road map and extensive training
After: Value-Driven Results
- Tighter controls and stock management
- Sustained growth without increasing headcount
- Streamlined sales order processes
- Productivity gains from reduced data entry
Top! Blue
SAP Business One was going to give us what we needed at the time and what we are going to need in the future.
David Ansorena
General Manager