



Discover our analyses on market dynamics, accounting, and business strategies, designed to assist companies in decision-making in an ever-evolving environment.

IDC Spain Cloud State Report 2023

Did you know that 45% of Spanish companies are adopting hybrid cloud solutions or that 3 out of 4 organizations admit that their cloud-based infrastructures achieve the agility they need in their businesses?

Barometer IT of the Spanish Company 2023

The 93% of Spanish companies consider technology indispensable to drive their sustainability.

Barometer of Digitalization in Andalusia and Extremadura 2023

60% of companies in Andalusia and Extremadura state that technology has become one of the variables with the greatest impact on their businesses, along with economic factors. Thus, for a majority of companies in both communities, aspects related to technology have gained influence in the evolution of their business, positioning digitalization as one of the main growth drivers.

The cybersecurity market will grow by 7.7% in Spain in 2022.

The adherence of companies to the new era of digital transformation, together with their urgency to achieve scalability, has increased the need to incorporate new IT architectures into business strategy, especially in cybersecurity matters.

The ICT investment by Public Administrations in Spain during the first quarter of 2022

SEIDOR sponsors the BAROMETER developed by TIC Adjudications "ICT Investment in Public Administrations in Spain 2022 - Q1". Learn about the investments accumulated during the first quarter of 2022.

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