Top 100 companies to work

June 02, 2023

SEIDOR among the top 100 companies to work for in Spain

At SEIDOR, we have become part of the prestigious Forbes list of the top 100 companies to work for in Spain, which highlights the most valued organizations in terms of work environment and corporate culture.

A recognition of SEIDOR's commitment to talent and business excellence

SEIDOR has been included in the prestigious Forbes list of the top 100 companies to work for in Spain, which highlights the most highly regarded organizations in terms of work environment and corporate culture.

This recognition is an important step towards our goal of becoming one of the most highly valued companies to work for.

The Forbes Ranking is the result of a comprehensive study conducted by Sigma Dos, which evaluated over 2,000 companies with more than 250 employees in Spain. This recognition not only testifies to our commitment to excellence but also validates our focus on attracting and retaining talent.

At SEIDOR, we understand that our greatest asset is our human team. That's why we continuously strive to create a work environment that fosters innovation, professional growth, and collaboration.

This achievement drives us to continue working with passion and determination to move towards a future full of achievements and exciting opportunities.

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