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05 June 2024
Why do we use Lorem Ipsum?
One of the most important parts when designing a website is the text. Lorem Ipsum is our great ally to present the client with a simulation of what their web project will be.
What is Lorem Ipsum used for?
When we design a website, text is of great importance. Which typography or typographies we choose. If we choose one font or another, what styles of that typography we are going to use or in what colors we are going to use it. We will be composing styles and paragraphs, line spacing, etc.
All of this is design, and the text at this point is just filler, but we have to put something. This is where we turn to simulated text, to “lorem ipsum”.
We usually use “lorem ipsum” because when showing our prototype to a client, they cannot get distracted by reading the text and focus on what is important at this point, the design. Thus, with the simulated text, our prototype has non-readable content but with a normal distribution of letters.
The most used simulated text, as we mentioned, is “Lorem ipsum”, which is a fragment of a text by Cicero, “de Finnibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil).
There are many online sites that generate simulated texts, from the classic Lorem Ipsum to others with more fun content. Below we present some of them.
Classic Lorem Ipsum
- es.lipsum.com: surely it is the most used by everyone.
- HTML ipsum: generates simulated text, but with incorporated html markup.
- Blind Text Generator: generates different texts, including fragments from Don Quixote, Werther, or Kafka.
Lorem Ipsum with Culinary Theme
- Baconipsum: with words related to bacon and other parts of the pig.
- Veggieipsum: with words of vegetables and greens.
- Coffeeipsum: with café lexicon.
- Cheeseipsum: to obtain simulated text that mixes various types of cheese.
- Cupcake Ipsum: which presents us with the alternative of using names of cakes.
Lorem Ipsum about series, cinema, and TV
- Heisenbergipsum: a nod for Breaking Bad fans.
- Chiquitoipsum: texts based on the words of Chiquito de la Calzada.
Lorem Ipsum for cat lovers
- Catipsum: curious text that generates the thoughts and actions of a cat in its day-to-day life.
Lorem Ipsum for science lovers
- Spaceipsum: texts quite deep about space.
Lorem Ipsum for zombie fans
- Zombieipsum: Lorem ipsum with words related to horror. Depending on the theme of the project we are working on, it can be very useful.