

Clarity by SEIDOR

The out-of-the-box suite of reports developed for SAP Business One to empower decision-makers through enhanced visualization of business data.


Clarity by SEIDOR

The out-of-the-box suite of reports developed for SAP Business One to empower decision-makers through enhanced visualization of business data.


Empower decision-makers through enhanced visualization and analytics

Clarity by SEIDOR offers extremely cost-effective, real-time, interactive reporting to help you optimise your business.

The following pages show examples of the various reports available in Clarity by SEIDOR, alternating between the dark and light themes


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Clarity by SEIDOR V2.0

The Sales Overview page answers the question:

How is the Sales Department performing compared to prior periods, as well as analyzing the comparative performance of customers, products, and sales reps?

Sales Overview

The Sales Shortfall page answers the question:

Where are we falling short of target, and where we are short, on which customers, sales reps, and products should we focus our attention to get back on track?

Sales Shortfall

The Customer Overview page answers the question:
How do our customers compare against each other, across a wide variety of Sales and Financial metrics?

Customer Overview

The Customer Receivables Summary page answers the question:

How do our customers compare with each other from an Ageing point-of-view, and which customers have the highest overdue balances?

Customer Receivables Summary

The Supplier Overview page answers the question:

How do our suppliers compare against each other, across a wide variety of Purchasing and Financial metrics?

Supplier Overview

The Supplier Comparison page answers the question:

Which suppliers are performing the best and the worst, helping the Procurement Manager negotiate better terms based on a variety of Purchasing metrics?

Supplier Comparison

The Stock Overview page answers the question:

How much stock is being held and how long does it take to sell?

Stock Overview

The Production Analysis page answers the question:

What is the planned and completed quantity of produced items with Material and actual cost?

Production Analysis

The Executive Dashboard page answers the question:

What does the company performance look like in summary for sales, cost of sales, gross profit, customers, suppliers and stock?

Executive Dashboard

The Finance Dashboard page answers the question:

What does the company performance look like in summary for finance from a Balance Sheet and Income Statement perspective?

Finance Dashboard

Download our Full Clarity by SEIDOR Brochure

Empower decision-makers through enhanced visualization and analytics


Clarity by SEIDOR offers extremely cost effective, real-time, interactive reporting to help you optimise your business, now available in dark and light themes, or your custom theme.

Do you spend hours each month manually updating reports?

Would you like to view reports combining multiple SAP B1 databases (for example, multiple business units or divisions) in local and or reporting currency?

Do you struggle to unlock valuable insight from your existing information systems?

Is it a hassle to share the right reports to the right audience on time?

Do report users struggle to determine what to do next after viewing existing reports?

Do your existing reports lack the “punch” and “pizzazz” that make your audience want to keep looking?

If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, then you need Clarity by SEIDOR.


For companies with a single SAP Business One database

3-user license pack(extra licenses available including bulk discounts)

Report pages relating to sales, customers,products, sales reps, suppliers, purchases, stocks, P&L, balance, sheet, trial balance, VAT and more...


For companies with up to five SAP Business One databases

5-user license pack(extra licenses available including bulk discounts)

SME report pages plus: Exco dashboards, finance dashboards, production and bill of materials, cost centres, sales and collections, sales daily progress, sales shortfall analysis, customers and supplier receivables, batch expiry, cashflow statment and more...

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For companies and groups with more than five SAP Business One databases

5-user license pack (extra licenses available including bulk discounts)

Multiple reporting currency options for group consolidations

Professional report pages plus: advanced finance reporting and consolidations, enhanced cash flow reporting and much more...


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