Which solution is right for your business?
Save with your Solution Manager and switch to the Cloud with SMaaMS
In this webinar, discover the SMaaMS (Solution Manager as a Manager Service) solution that allows you to eliminate a large part of this expense and meet all SAP requirements through the SEIDOR Solution Manager.
- 28 September 2023
- 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
SAP's on-premise customers are required to have a SAP Solution Manager system that meets certain requirements. This system is often inefficient, as it entails a great cost for low performance and utility.
In this webinar, we will learn about the SMaaMS (Solution Manager as a Manager Service) solution that allows a large part of this expense to be eliminated, with all SAP requirements met by SEIDOR's Solution Manager.
We will explain what the SMaaMS service is, how it can help your business, and what the features of the SAP Solution Manager are, and will also introduce some of its benefits, such as:
- Cost saving.
- Data privacy and security.
- Accessible from anywhere and on any device.
- Quality of service offered by certified personnel.
- Efficient service delivery and 24x7 availability.
- Rapid implementation: service registration in a few days.
Fill in the form and you will discover in less than 30 minutes how to save money and gain efficiency without ceasing to meet SAP requirements.
Lluís Salvador
SAP Support Manager en SEIDOR
Roberto Blázquez
Consultor SAP SMaaMS en SEIDOR