Which solution is right for your business?
Defined Infrastructure Software
Get automated control of your organisation's data centre infrastructure and raise your IT platforms to optimal readiness levels.
Software-defined infrastructure is an architectural approach whereby all the infrastructure of a company's data centre is controlled by software with little or no human involvement.
This technology fosters new levels of readiness on IT platforms, allowing organisations to respond faster to service demands, eliminate possible human error, as well as dedicate necessary resources, which will be able to focus all efforts on higher-value tasks for the organisation.
The computation of operations is virtualised and abstracted from the hardware on which it resides, creating an operation that can be managed through a single management console.
Software-defined storage, or SDS, refers to a program that manages storage resources and does not have dependencies with physical storage hardware. Gain independence and flexibility.
The software-driven network model makes it possible to create and source any network topology in a matter of seconds and deliver critical applications and services faster and easier.
Unified management
Consolidate storage, networks and computing in a single virtual entity, regardless of hardware.
Simplified implementation
One of the main reasons organisations use SDS is the ease of implementation, which starts with the acquisition of the system and continues with the implementation of virtual workloads.
In hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI), all workloads fall under the same administrative umbrella. This streamlines the migration of workloads from one location to another.
Cost reduction
An HCI platform consolidates hardware resources and maximises their use, resulting in fewer servers, less space in the data centre and reduced power and cooling requirements.
It consists of pre-configured, self-contained nodes, which can be quickly added to or removed from the cluster as needed, reducing the time of traditional infrastructure.