Which solution is right for your business?
SAP Ariba packaged solutions
Improve collaboration, visibility and transparency with your suppliers and digitize your relationships when buying and selling goods and services with our high-quality solutions for SAP Ariba.
High value added packaged solutions to digitize e-procurement processes
Through the SEIDOR Portal SAP Business Network we guarantee success in the digital transformation of the purchasing process between SAP S/4 HANA or ECC 6.0 and the entire supplier network through the SAP Business Network Portal. Connect directly with them by exchanging key purchasing flow documents quickly and transparently.
With our SOURCE & SAVE PACK functional package based on SAP Solutions, the Intelligent Spend Management system allows you to manage and maintain updated information on your suppliers, managing all your data on a single web platform to more easily monitor the performance of suppliers, assess compliance and supply.
SEIDOR Portal SAP Business Network
Download our brochure for all the details on the SEIDOR Portal SAP Business Network
Through the SEIDOR Portal SAP Business Network we guarantee success in the digital transformation of the purchasing process between SAP S/4 HANA or ECC 6.0 and the entire supplier network through the SAP Business Network Portal. Connect directly with them by exchanging key purchasing flow documents quickly and transparently.
SOURCE & SAVE PACK is the new SEIDOR functional bundle based on SAP ARIBA. Solutions, combining efficiency and transparency in Supplier Management with savings and improved management times for RFx tender events. This solution helps companies reduce their carbon footprint in the supply chain and contribute to sustainability.n.
Value proposition
Low cost thanks to pre-configurations.
Quick implementation: 12 to 15 weeks, thanks to a clear definition of scope and deadlines.
Standard with SAP ERP and option to integrate with other ERPs