Which solution is right for your business?
SAP BusinessObjects
SAP BusinessObjects is a fast-adoption, flexible and scalable solution for analyzing and delivering key company information to end users in multiple ways, including dashboards and interactive reports through any web app, intranet, extranet or corporate portal.
Years of experience
Specialized professionals
Analyze information to improve existing business processes and boost customer engagement, employee productivity and organizational resilience to changing contexts.
Make information consumption simple, personalized, adaptable and dynamic through interactive reports and dashboards.
Guarantee universal access to data and connection to all data sources and applications by creating a business layer that shields users from the technical complexity of programs, fields and tables, offering a direct approach to business.
Gradual and secure journey to the cloud at a manageable pace with no loss of functionality or expensive adaptations.
Comprehensive solution
From real-time metrics to in-depth analysis. A single platform for all users.
MS Office integration
Analysis for Microsoft Office lets you view business data in MS Office applications, such as Excel and PowerPoint.
From anywhere
View and share information through visual dashboards and interactive reports via the website or mobile devices.
Data analysis with an intuitive web interface that provides a full range of analytical functions and encourages collaboration.
A single solution
SAP BusinessObjects has the right tool for every business intelligence need, integrated into a single platform.
Save time and costs
Minimize IT department workload with simplified maintenance and administration options.
Simplify data collection by processing, analyzing, and presenting it in a way that is easy to understand.