Which solution is right for your business?
SAP Sales Cloud
Find out how the SAP Sales Cloud portfolio can help your company simplify all the sales network operations by using real-time key indicators.
SAP Sales Cloud will become the sales assistant for your sales team
360º view
Get a 360º view of all your customers and opportunities.
Dynamically plan and manage all customer interactions and activities, with integration with the main email and calendar apps.
Optimize visits with optimal monitoring and data collection.
Conversion of Leads
Turn leads into customers by developing effective consultative selling.
Efficient management
Efficiently manage opportunities, offers and orders, achieving the maximum conversion.
Real indicators
Prioritize finalized transactions based on real-time indicators and reports.
Build customer loyalty
Improve customer sales experience thanks to constant value contribution.
Sales assistant
Efficient opportunity management in each of the sales process phases.
Conversion rate
Improved process to turn leads into customers by developing effective consultative selling.
Easy adoption
User-friendly app accessible from mobile devices online or offline.
Real-time analytics
Real-time control of the achievement of sales targets.
Integration with SAP ECC and S/4HANA
Master data and sales processes completely integrated with SAP suite products.
Certified team with over 15 years' experience in CRM implementation.
Implementation experience with +20 customers across Spain and Portugal.
SAP Recognized Expertise Partner.