agriculture beans and erp
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SAP Business One - One stop ERP for Frigoken Limited

Established in 1989, Frigoken Limited is currently Kenya’s largest vegetable processor. Today, Frigoken is a recognised global leader of choice for the supply of premium hand arranged processed green bean products amongst other horticultural produce. With SAP Business One, Frigoken runs their business faster with real-time reporting and transparency in the business.

ERP in agriculture
Frigoken Limited
sap business one and agriculture

Before: Challenges and Opportunities

The system was rigid and couldn’t handle the ever-growing requirements.

The system had limitations in terms of management and analytical reports.

The legacy system lacked end-to-end integration with the production and inventory process.

Flexibility, reliability, security, and accuracy of data was an issue and all these have been taken care of in the current ERP.

erp in food and beverages


SEIDOR Africa sales presentation met the requirement at Frigoken.

Need of real-time reporting with management and analytics capabilities.

Ability to handle production module with BOM and tracking of material end-to-end.

The project was handled in a professional manner, their understanding is extensive.

why erp for agriculture

After: Value-Driven Results

Single integrated system for all the modules, faster and efficient operations.

The ability of transaction drill down in several ways is quite amazing (audit trail).

Achieved controls and approvals within the system.

Inter-branch accounting and consolidations.

Allows production planning and provides ease of stock management


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