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SEIDOR recognized with six awards at the SAP Partner Summit for Midmarket 2025
The technology consultancy SEIDOR has been recognized with six awards at the SAP Partner Summit for Midmarket 2025, held in Barcelona.
Sergi Biosca, new CEO of the technology consulting firm SEIDOR
The technology consulting firm SEIDOR has appointed Sergi Biosca Arpa as its new CEO, with the goal of strengthening its executive team and driving its strategy to become a global leader in the ICT sector, under the executive chairmanship of Josep Benito, who continues to lead the company.
SEIDOR incorporates Carlyle into its capital to become a global Top Player
SEIDOR, the technology consulting firm, strengthens its growth with a particular focus on Europe and the USA, by bringing global investment firm Carlyle into its shareholder base, one of the
leading firms worldwide